Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Early Thanksgiving! Wow, it's November. I know, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I now know why I don't do this for a living.... I have missed you my friends, and many of you have asked how things are going for Makenzie. She is progressing nicely, and I will give some updates. Makenzie might even chime in on this blog!!!

We are now at the 6 month mark....Can you believe it? It was hard to imagine six months ago what life was going to be like in November 2010. We were literally living day to day back in May. Many scary moments....the kind that change your life, the kind that make you look at things differently....

After having a real difficult time back in early October, Makenzie is finally starting to make some real progress. She became very ill in late September with pancreatitis that sent her to the hospital for a week. A couple of weeks after that, she became ill again and spent another week at Methodist Hospital in Houston. This all the while both Pam and Chuck were working....Very difficult and exhausting days....The good news now is that Makenzie is eating better and has starting to gain weight! Yea! I told her I would gladly sacrifice some of my own body fat and give it to her via transplant....She is also going to physical therapy again and continues to make progress. Often she goes to the school with Pam and helps her with her Kindergarten class. She even went to visit her brother Kaleb at Texas A&M! So, she continues to heal, continues to move forward.

A few weeks ago, she posted about the happiest day of her life......the day she could get a boot on her right foot (pic on here somewhere). While this activity might be mundane to you and I, it was a huge deal for her, as she hasn't had a shoe on her foot since was a big milestone for her. Most recently she got ahold of a sharpie and colored here wheelchair, naming it Wandette.....Wandette??? Well Kenzy, I'm glad you have a sense of humor!!!

My children pray for their cousin each day. She is ever on their minds. I know many of you pray for her too. This has made a huge difference in her recovery. God has worked through so many of you to help her and her family. Pam told me yesterday about a card she received in the mail. It was from someone she didn't know, a hand made card, beautifully done, very inspiring. She told me who it was from, and I actually knew the sender. Pam has placed this card next to the family pictures, so that she can see it. It encourages her and Makenzie. It figures that the sender's name is Grace....It is the little acts of kindness, done each day, that mean so very much. Never forget this, never give up in doing random acts of kindess, never give up on praying...

As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I just want to tell you all how thankful I am for you being out there, praying for Makenzie. I am thankful for healing, thankful that my niece is here, thankful for my family, thankful mostly to God for bringing us through this. Many of you know what I'm talking about. Have blessed Thanksgiving my friends....