Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 times a day.....

Good evening my friends!

Well, the first step of a long journey for the next 4-6 months has been taken. Makenzie's surgery on her left foot went very well yesterday, better than expected say the the docs! One prayer that was answered is that the fixator apparatus that had to be placed on her leg was not as big, burly and heavy as was expected. If you look at the picture on this page you will see what it is.....honestly, it's big enough! And, extremely complex! To think they were going to put a bigger one on....I yi yi!

This Ilizarov fixator is a relatively new procedure in the U.S. I was so fascinated after seeing it in person I went to look up some information about it. It is named after the Russian orthopedic surgeon Dr. Avram Ilizarov. Dr. Ilizarov grew up in the peasant class in the back end of the Soviet Union. He attended medical school and became an orthopedic surgeon in the 1940's. He got the fixator idea from looking at how a wagon harness fits on to livestock, specifically horses. His first fixator for healing crushed and deformed bones was made of bicycle parts. So here's a guy who grew up around poor peasants like himself, looking at horses and cattle and one day by trial and error design an apparatus that helps so many patients become mobile after trauma or deformity. It took an idea and intestinal fortitude to make something.....something that could change someone's

No matter where you are and where you are from, you can do something to help others in your life, and maybe everywhere else. You never really know the impact of your existence, whether your a world reknowned surgeon, or a checker at Walmart, or a school teacher, or just being the best parent you can be. Never underestimate what YOU can do.

So, Makenzie will adjust this fixator three times a day. With each turn, her foot will become more straight, with the goal of walking on both feet. It's going to be a while, but it will be. Lots of cleaning, pain meds, discomfort, etc, ahead....but ultimately the end is walking. We look forward to that day!!

So my friends, pray for continued healing, pray for no infections! Prayers have made such a HUGE difference already. We cherish each one of you for being there!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update, Mary. We are still praying for Makenzie, and will send special prayers to Our Heavenly Father for continued healing AND no more infections! God bless you all and we are also looking forward to the day that Makenzie can walk on BOTH feet! The Wiechert Family
