Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 16-

This past week seemed to crawl by. There were a couple of setbacks, a lot of waiting around and a bit of frustration. We knew yesterday that there would be probably two more surgeries to go. When they were going to happen was the big mystery. A lot of discussions between surgeon teams was going on, but nothing was really moving forward. At any rate, this morning they took Makenzie in to do surgery on her right ankle. It was also broken and needed some attention. This surgery didn't look like it was going to happen til the end of next week or later. The family really wanted to get this one going ahead of the left foot surgery since that one is much more complicated. The docs repaired the broken ankle and will check on it tomorrow via CAT scan. So, this was good news today. Again, you really never know what's going to happen til it happens. The docs made this decision overnight around 2am. Why 2am? Who knows!

Tomorrow is Sunday and a day of rest for Makenzie. Monday is the really long surgery day. Please keep this in your prayers as well as the following days of immobility for her for healing. It's going to be kinda hard.

Finally my friends, please know that prayers are being answered. She is getting better each day. I look forward to the day she can see you all and tell you her story.
Have a great Sunday!

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