Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 17-Monday again....

I have a different view of Mondays after hanging around the STICU and IMU at Hermann Hospital. Normally I'm pretty indifferent to Mondays, actually being one of the few people who actually like Mondays in general. Mondays on a trauma floor are a whole differnt mantra. They are hard days for the staff and patients, and the families especially. We are spending our third Monday here tomorrow.

That being said, this Monday brings with it the last surgery we expect for now. We are looking forward to getting this one done and getting on with Makenzie's recovery. It's kind of hard to recover from anything when you're going into surgery of some sort every two or three days. Tomorrow the best foot plastic vascular guy in the known universe will be repairing the left foot we've all been praying about. We are confident in his abilities, and we are confident of what God can do as well. We will be praying throughout this surgery tomorrow. Thank you all for staying with us! It has made a huge difference in what this guy has to work with.

Makenzie did have a hard last night in dealing with an excrutiating amount of pain. It was very difficult for her to rest. Today the ICU team tried a new pain management plan that has started to help her with this. She did get a little more rest with this new medication. Pray about this as well. The next few days of initial recovery will more than most likely bring more pain than ever. Pray for some relief and rest for her and Pam and Chuck.

So my friends, here comes Monday. Whatever your Monday brings, let us boldly go before our Father and ask for help. He already knows what we need before we ask......


  1. Many prayers for the McLaurin Family tonight and especially tomorrow. Thanks Mary for the updates. I wish that I could trade places with Pam for a day so she could get some good sleep. Tell her I will gladly come and sit with Kenzie and be the Mom if she will go sleep. Just say the word, any day. My prayer will be that the sleep that Pam and Chuck do get will refresh them and sustain them through the "awake" times. Love to you all. Donna

  2. It is very hard when your child is in the hospital, for a parent to get rest. I have experienced this many times at Texas Children's with my oldest son as he went through 11 operations, 9 of which were the first 2 years of his life. Somehow by God's grace you find the strength down deep inside to keep going, knowing you are the strength for yourself and your child. My heart goes out to the many, many parents who face this each and every day. Chuck and Pam are in my thoughts and prayers. They are closer to the point of going home with each passing day....this is something I know they are anxious for. One week in a hospital feels like an eternity....Our time at Texas Children's Hospital, when I reflect on it, made me very thankful for the doctors and nurses who dedicate their lives to helping those of us in our time of need.
    Love and prayers are covering them from all over the Big Sandy area.....Please give all of them our love.
