Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 24- Monday #4

Well, we began Monday #4 tomorrow, but at least we're not on the STICU! That's an improvement already. Makenzie will be going into the OR tomorrow to check and clean the left leg and foot that had extensive work on it last week. We're praying that everything is healing like it should. The good news of the day is that she is being weaned off of the IV pain meds.....the bad news is that things are hurting more in different places! She has been on some pretty stout pain medication now for over 3 weeks, and as the healing process progresses she should be able to use less. However, some days are just really hard! Things that have had little or no feeling are starting to get better but HURT!!! Hopefully this will improve with each day. Makenzie was also taken off of one of her other meds, and she was happy! So, things are getting better.

Well here comes our favorite day, Monday. Hope you all have a great one, as well boldly go to ask for God's help.


  1. Makenzie, I'm so sorry that you're hurting. Pain is such and ugly monster. I've hurt my back and am having some nerve pain, but I'm sure it is nothing compared to what you are going through. I pray that your pain will ease up as fast as possible. Love ya girl. The Fairbanks Family

  2. Makenzie,

    I know as an athlete you have heard the term "No pain, No gain" the time the coach is telling you this you are thinking "yea, it's me in pain not you"...LOL! You are a fighter. I know the pain must be terrible to bear but it is a reminder to you that you are healing day by day. We continue to keep you in prayer and will ask that the Lord please ease the pain and speed the recovery. We are so proud of you and how hard you are fighting to get going again. Though it is hard to remember at the time you are dealing with it, the pain does mean a gain...a gain of strength and healing. Your friends and family here at home are rooting for you and are building a wall of prayer around you!! God bless you kiddo...keep your chin will see improvement each day!!! Tell your mom & dad hello for us. (we're praying for them too :)

    Love, the Maze family (Regina, Denton, Cory, Hunter, Josh and Seth)

  3. Makenzie, I am so sorry that you have to go thru so much pain. Hang in there and the pain will turn to itching and then you will know it is healing. Cindy and I continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Love you, Butch and Cindy
