Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 27- Milestone Day!!!

Ok, I didn't write yesterday. I'm starting to lose my mind. Also, have you noticed that I've screwed up the day count a couple of times? Everything is becomming a blur: the days, the surgeries, the docs, teams, nurses, parking spaces, freeways, salad bars at Hermann, coffees... Seems rather endless stuff until milestones are crossed: waking up from a coma, removing a vent, moving out of STICU, moving out of SIMU, eating your first meal in two weeks, getting the IV's out your arm, etc. Today's events were reminders that there is a huge light at the end of the Hermann tunnel. Today Makenzie put on her first real shirt in four weeks! It's a big deal if all you've worn is some narly hospital gown for a month. It's like going back to the land of the living! Shirts are good thing.
The biggest milestone today was that Makenzie managed to get herself in a wheelchair!!!! This is huge! It's quite a feat considering the condition she is in! She even went down the hall! Her first time out of a room in a month! "Free at last"! Of course, this came with the cold reality that there was going to be some pain involved. Actually a lot of pain....like the kind that puts you in tears. These feats did not happen without pain. Unfortunately it's part of the process. Part of the courage thing too. Facing up to the fear of pain is a big deal. I am so proud of her for overcoming it today. Man it was hard. It was great to see her in it! Praise God!
Many of you know Makenzie's graduation is Friday night. She is Valdictorian for Big Sandy High School. She really wants to attend her ceremony. We want her to attend her ceremony. There are lots of other milestones that need to happen before this is possible. We need to pray for these things. Pain is the biggest issue. Pray that it will be less intense and that she can overcome it. Pray for continued healing of her body. Pray especially for strength, as being horizontal for four weeks tends to leave ya weak and dizzy when you try to get around.
I plan on being there. Hope you will too! Pray without ceasing my friends.....


  1. I am so happy she was able to leave her room! Prayers are being answered. If for some reason she can not leave the hospital I pray that they can do a via live feed from the hosptial to Big Sandy. Makenzie we are proud of you!

  2. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. I have said over and over what a impression this sweet soul left with me. She got HERSELF in a wheelchair. As a nurse I know what a big feat this is. It isnt easy for someone to get theirself in a wheelchair after ortho surgery, but this soon for kenzie is amazing. She has such courage because we all know with her pain it would be hard but the determination. She is doing just the thing she needs to and she is answer all of her own prayers. I have this patient that has alzheimers and i worked a long week this week, well, he wouldnt let me touch him. I found out he was a preacher so i started saying AMEN and hallaleujah to him each time i went in the room. So now he doesnt mind me so much and we got along much better ( haha ) it never was a fight he always won! So for the last six nights my biggest words of the night were these two simple words for this man. THis is what i say for kenzie Amen!! Hallalejuah!! GOD BLESS YOU, keep your head up and keep being strong and determined. You can do it!!!
