Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 6- Yea! No surgery today.....

Three surgeries in 6 days.....That's a lot of surgery. It's not the short 30 minute or hour stuff either. Yesterday's surgery was almost 10 hours long. Monday's was 5. Friday's was 3. So, needless to say it is good not to have to do that today. A day of physical rest for Makenzie, a day of emotional rest for everyone else. This has been hard. The waiting, the pacing, the endless surgeon reports....the drama of the STICU, the everchanging plan and schedule of the day. I am thankful for a day of rest today. I saw Makenzie after lunch, and she already looks better from having her jaw and face repaired! Her teeth are straight again since the surgeons aligned her jaw. Healing has begun! We are ever thankful.

While I was there the plastic foot surgeon (yes, this guy just does feet!) came by and gave a pretty good description on what is going on with her left foot. I couldn't really elaborate on this in earlier postings, but the situation with her foot has improved drastically, and things are much more positive as far as the prognosis is concerned. Prayer changes things my friends. It just does.

Kaleb and Chuck were going to make a trip home today to tend to things. However, before they could leave Makenzie was trying real hard to wake up! She sat straight up in the bed! And yes, she is supposed to be completely out!!! Did I tell you she is her mother's daughter? So, Kaleb and Church changed their plans and hung around the hospital just to make sure she didn't really come out of it.

On the lighter side, the most startling thing I've seen is my sister's desire and fondness for the coffee from the Pronto Coffee machine. Total crap stuff! She said she has gotten used to it. Oh jeez, it is the worst stuff I've ever put my mouth to! And yes, I HAVE found the Starbucks across the street from the hospital, and yes I go there everyday. I've even gotten her a Latte, but she still drinks that poisen from the machine!!!!

So, the latest agenda goes something like this:
-today they cleaned her left foot.
-Friday or Saturday they do that again.
-Monday they will operate on her left leg and put in plates, repair the fracture to the knee, etc.
-Wednesday they will operate on her left foot. This one will be extensive. Will tell about later. A big one.
Specific prayer request:
-left foot healing
-no infections
-the stregnth for the LONG road ahead.
Again, we are so very grateful to all of you for your continued prayers and support. It is humbling to say the least.


  1. Good news, great report and thank you Lord! Things appear to be looking up. Can't wait to share the latest!
    We love you all,
    Shannon and the boys!

  2. So thankful for the good update...everyday I go into work I am stopped a dozen times, and asked how she is doing by my co workers, even my officers. They all tell me constantly they are praying. The one thing they constatnyl asked today after hearing of the blood loss from the leg surgery was how/where can we go to give blood for her and what is her blood type? Can anyone help me out with this?

  3. We are praying for her and yall.

  4. What an awesome report! :) We are still praying specifically for the foot and no infection. God bless!!!!

  5. Hello my name is Andrea. I live south of Houston and periodically I look at the Polk County Today because I have a lake house in Indian Springs. I discovered the blog for your niece, Makenzie and then found the article on her accident. Wow!!!!!

    First off I am very very sorry to learn of her accident and all of her injuries. I am also sorry that you all are having to go through this “nightmare”.

    I hope you don’t mind me contacting you like this, but I want to give you hope and comfort during an awful awful time and let you know I understand.

    I am not sure where or how to begin, but unfortunately I too was news in the Polk County Today due to an automobile accident, a link is attached:

    On May 24, 2009, my accident occurred when a lady hit my truck “head on” about 4 miles outside of Livingston on 190 East. As a result of the accident I suffered multiple injuries: broken left femur, broken left scapula (shoulder blade), broken ribs, ruptured bladder, lacerated liver, broken pelvis near my tail bone, and my right foot/ankle had a compound fracture with the calcaneus being crushed into 50 pieces and a cut over my left eye, not to mention all the trauma to the tissue surrounding the injuries. My friend that was in the truck with me suffered a broken sternum, broken rib and abdominal bruising from the seat belt. She actually walked up the hill to the ambulance. We were very lucky.

    Needless to say I was life-flighted to Memorial Herman Hospital in Houston where your niece is. I was in the Surgical ICU for a few days then ICU then eventually a room. I spent 19 days there. My right foot injury was very severe and the doctor’s were not sure if they would be able to put “Humpty Dumpty” back together, as one Doctor said. Fortunately I have both feet and I can walk.

    Please know that Makenzie is at an excellent hospital with the best doctors.

    For your information: Doctor Jeffery Tucker was the orthopaedic doctor who repaired my femur and is now retired. Dr. Mellisinos was the plastic surgeon who monitored the healing of the hole from the compound fracture and a surgical incision. He is wonderful. The team of Orthopaedic doctors for my foot/ankle were Dr. Connolly, Dr. Weatherby (he is in South Carolina now) and Dr. William McGarvey. I cannot say enough about them. They honestly saved my foot.

    I know Makenzie has a long recovery road ahead and she will need your help and many prayers for a while. I will continue to check your blog for her progress and of course I will pray for her and be thinking of her. The power of prayer got me where I am today.

    Feel free to contact me if you need anything or have any questions.

    Be strong and believe.
    Andrea Ortego

  6. First let me say thanks to you Mary for taking the time to create this blog. To Chuck, Pam, and Kaleb, don't ever give up the hope that God will answer your prayers. There was a time in our lives that we did not know the outcome or our future. I can truly attest that God does answer prayers and does indeed perform miracles. We will continue to pray for the healing of Makenzie and the comforting Hands on the family by the One above. Butch & Cindy (cousins of Chuck's)
