Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 19-

James 5:16 says "the effective fervant prayer of a righteous man avails much". I have so been thinking about this verse today. Yesterday was a difficult day. The surgery went well, but afterward there were some serious pain issues and complications. It is times like this that you count on your family and friends to lift you up. Today I was so grateful to you all for your fervent and continued prayers. Hopefully the surgeries are over for now. Lots of healing to begin. Hopefully there will be a little more rest for everyone. It has been hard.

During the past two weeks I have been thinking a lot about scriptures. Most of the ones I know I learned as a child. Some of them I have not thought about in a very long time, like the one I listed above. Funny that I remember it now. Admittedly I have not done a very good job in the learning and memorization of verses for my own children. I think I will try to do a better job in this department, since it has been these verses that has pulled my mind and my heart out of the cellar....Better to have some reinforcements in scripture so to be ready when the stuff hits the fan.

Some specifics to pray for:
-relief of pain, a big one!
-for complete healing and recovery
-for healing of wounds and grafts
-for rest for my sister and brother in law

Thank you my friends....

1 comment:

  1. Chuck and Pam,
    I think of you many, many times a day and during the night when I wake up. Lindsey says that God talks to you "seriously" at 3:00 am. I'm pretty sure this isn't in the Bible anywhere, but she really thinks that so, who am I to question her! Anyway, I want you to know that I know without a doubt that our Lord IS going to use this experience for good. I just know it. Makenzie has always been a strong girl, think of some of the things she's gone through up to now. It is in these times that God grows us, God is growing her and all of you through all of this. I continue to think of Esther and how she went through so many things that were not good, and how God used her mightily to save His people. I pray that God will gird you both with strength, endurance and fath as Makenzie heals. I pray that Makenzie will gain strength everyday and her injuries will heal in Godspeed and her pain will be manageable. I hope to see you all soon and again, if there is anything that I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. Just let Merle know to call Mother or me and I will do whatever you need. If Kaleb need some "mothering" I can do it. Love to you all, Donna
