Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 4-"Mama said there would be days like this"

"Mama said there would be days like this".....
Remember that song? I remember it from one of those golden oldie commercials from the '80s. That's all of the song I remember......That's about what today was like.....

After a having a day of friends and family come by and offer words of comfort and support, today began with the knowledge that surgery would come at some point. Pam & Chuck spent a lot of time with Makenzie early this morning. She was tired after trying to cough to alleviate fluid (this of course while heavily, heavily sedated). She hears and understands what is being said in the room. She was also having some fever. This is pretty normal stuff for someone in ICU, but it is hard to watch. They were beginning to prep her for surgery. I have been back to the ICU almost daily. She does look better, but I admit that I would just like to see her open her eyes and smile.... It does get discouraging at times. Pretty sure Pam & Chuck are feeling it today. The ortho doc came out to talk to them about today's procedure; Rods, plates, repair, cleaning of lacerations and deep cuts......Questions......fears......doubts.....Monday. Day of getting back to business. Getting to the business of putting their daughter back together. Though we all want to ask why, we are ever so thankful we have this option. Things could have been so much worse....

So, here we go. Makenzie went into surgery finally around 3pm. Leg work today. Still LOTS of concern about her left heel. Chuck specifically wants prayer about this issue. Too complicated to describe here. Just do it.
Tomorrow; surgery on her face and jaw. Lots of broken bones in the cheek, broken jaw. (I told ya she took a beating didn't I?)
Probably more later this week.
Again, thank you all so much for being there with your prayers and words. Just to let you know, I visit them in the morning/afternoon most of the time, and write in the evening. If I hear how things go this evening I'll post.
Peace my friends.....


  1. Yes Mama did say that there would be days like this, but she also always said there are better days ahead. All of ya'll are in our prayers. The ladies in my bible study are praying too. I'll be getting word out to lot's of places and people. We love you!

  2. It's so heartbreaking to know that Kenzie, Kaleb, Chuck & Pam are going through this. We are praying for them everyday, several times a day. I know they feel the prayers and the healing will come, we have faith for full healing and restoration. Our love and prayers are with you all.

  3. We are continuing to pray for Makenzie's complete and total healing. God put your loving arms around Kenzie and her family and heal her completely. I pray specifically for her left foot and heel. We love you all.

    The Fairbanks Family

  4. My heart goes out to Pam & Chuck! they are such wonderful people and we are continually praying for them and Kenzie. May God be with them and give them strength. We love you guys!
    Amanda, Kelsi, and Pooh

  5. Our quilting group lifted her and her family, doctors, etc. up in prayer today. I can't even imagine what her family is going through. May you all feel God's love and presence as you go through this ordeal.
    Donna Bennett
    Stitches of Love Quilt Ministry
    University Baptist Church
